Did you know?

Teens whose parents or caregivers smoke are 4 times as likely to take up smoking.

So, becoming a smoke free role model means your children are much less likely to smoke.

Stopping also means putting your loved ones at less risk of secondhand smoke and its dangers, such as causing lung cancer, heart disease, and stroke.

It can be particularly harmful to:

  • Children as they have less well-developed airways, lungs and immune systems
  • Anyone with existing breathing problems such as asthma
  • Unborn babies

Even if you open a window, move to another room to smoke, or smoke out of a window, you’re still putting others at risk. That’s why stopping is best for your health and your loved ones.

Don’t forget, since 2015, it’s also illegal to smoke in a car when someone under 18 is inside.

So, if you’re ready to stop, check out our free tools and resources.

How to stop smoking