It might seem like you already have enough to think about and plan, but there are ways to make stopping smoking easier.

It’s not enough just to cut down on smoking during pregnancy, as no amount is safe.

Every cigarette you smoke has over 4,000 chemicals – many of which harm your unborn baby and restrict the oxygen supply to their lungs.

Protecting your baby from tobacco smoke is one of the best things you can do. The sooner you start, the better. But even if you stop in the last few weeks, the benefits will be instant.

What happens when I stop?

Good things happen when you stop

When you stop smoking in pregnancy, you…

Reduce your risk of complications in pregnancy and birth


Are more likely to have a healthier pregnancy and healthier baby


Reduce your risk of stillbirth and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), also known as “cot death”


Reduce the risk of your baby being born prematurely, which can lead to feeding and health problems


Are more likely to give birth to a baby born at a healthy weight, meaning they are less likely to have problems keeping warm – which can lead to infections


Not sure where to start?

The NHS have put together some information on how to find the best stop-smoking products for you.

Learn more

Don’t forget, breathing in secondhand smoke also harms your baby

If you live with or spend lots of time with someone who smokes, you’ll be breathing in their smoke and chemicals.

Even if they open a window, move to another room to smoke, or smoke out of a window, you’ll still be at risk of harming yourself and your baby.

It’s important you speak to your loved ones about stopping or smoking outside, along with the help and support they can access to stop smoking too. Especially as it can make your journey to being smoke free more difficult if you’re in their company while they’re smoking.

It’s also illegal to smoke in a car when someone under 18 is inside.

If you’re trying to support a loved one to stop smoking while pregnant, here are some tips.