Congratulations, you’re now smoke free and free to live the life you deserve!

As with any addiction, there will still be some days that are harder than others. So, try to keep practicing some of the hints and tips that helped you along your journey.

Once you’ve stopped smoking for 28 days, you’re 5 times more likely to stop for good!

By now, the good news is that for most smokers, the worst of the withdrawal symptoms should be over.

While you’re still getting used to not smoking, below are some tips on how to stay strong and keep on track.

Forget about the worries that come with stopping

Some people believe smoking can help manage feelings of anxiety. However, these feelings are only temporary and in fact, it’s the effect of smoking itself that’s likely to have caused the anxiety in the first place.

Therefore, don’t let it be a reason you don’t remain smoke free. Especially as studies show that stopping will actually:

  • Lower levels of anxiety, depression and stress
  • Improve quality of life and mood
  • Lead to dosages of some medicines used to treat mental health problems being reduced

Sleep disturbance can also be a symptom of nicotine withdrawal, but the good news is that it’s only temporary. Plus, not everyone will experience this.

If you do find yourself struggling, try to stick to a regular sleep routine, reduce your caffeine intake and screen usage (particularly around bedtime!), do some light exercise during the day and don’t eat or drink too much before bed.

Also, if you can’t sleep – get up! Rather than staring at the ceiling and getting more and more frustrated, you should do something to relax, such as reading or meditating until you feel yourself start to drift off.

Don’t take risks

Now that you’ve successfully stopped, you might find yourself thinking “Just one can’t hurt” or “I’ll have just one to prove I’ve kicked it”. But this can open you up to all those cravings you did so well to overcome!

If you do end up having one cigarette, recognise it’s not the end of the world and simply run through your tools and coping techniques to get back on the horse.

Do celebrate your new Smoke Free life!

One day, you’ll wake up and realise that yesterday you didn’t even think about wanting a cigarette – and that’s when you’ll know you’re on your way to becoming a non-smoker!

When that happens, it’s important you celebrate all your hard work and efforts. You’ve earned it!

Remember, even 1 cigarette can put you right to the beginning of your journey. So, to stay smoke free, avoid even a single puff!