Depending on the stage of your journey you’re on, you’ll likely need different levels of guidance and tools.

Needing help isn’t something to be embarrassed about. In fact, hundreds of thousands of people in our region have stopped with support.

You’re three times more likely to stop if you use treatments along with stop smoking support compared to trying to do it alone.

Perhaps you’re only just toying with the idea of stopping and not yet set a date to start, but even this is a massive step towards being smoke free.

Whatever stage you’re at, check out the help available to you below and feel the benefits.

What are the benefits?

The benefits of stopping smoking

20 mins

Your heart rate and blood pressure are more stabilised


24 hours

Your smoker’s breath disappears


2-3 days

Your sense of taste and smell starts to improve


1-9 months

Your blood circulation and energy levels improve


1-5 years

You’re at lower risk of heart disease and stroke


10 years+

Your risk of heart disease is the same as a non-smoker


Stop Smoking Stages



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I’ve relapsed

I’ve relapsed

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Staying smoke-free

Staying smoke-free

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