Like most people trying to stop smoking, it won’t be an easy journey. Don’t be too hard on yourself, and to try to get back on track as soon as possible.

Even if it takes you a series of attempts to stop or you’re going through a period of relapsing, the main thing to remember is that you’ve been brave enough to get yourself this far.

To help get you back on track, we’ve put together some top tips.

Identify what made you relapse and learn from it

Was it one specific event or an accumulation of things? Was it stress-related, or perhaps it happened when you were out having a drink with friends?

If so:

Rather than going out for drinks with your friends, why not meet up for a coffee or check out what local events are happening?
If alcohol is a trigger, try to avoid it where you can. Even opting for a 0% alternative can help!
If you crave a cigarette when you’re stressed, you could try calling a friend instead and asking if it’s ok for you to vent to them. Or you could listen to a podcast and head out for a walk.

Stay positive and remind yourself of your goals

Remember all the progress you’ve made so far. Whether you relapsed after a few days, months or even years into your smoke free life, trying to stop for good comes with many ups and downs.